I was reminded this week of how powerful it is to step outside of your comfort zone. We all enjoy working and living within our comfort zone . By the definition of the phrase, it’s where we are at our most comfortable. It’s undisputable that once you step outside your comfort zone that’s where the magic happens.
I saw that this this week. I’ve always loved walking on the beach in the early mornings but the conflict I have always had is I also like my bed. Getting up early in the mornings is quite difficult but once I’m up and out and about it’s really invigorating. The last two weeks Sally and I have started getting up before the streets are aired and we go for a walk along the beach. There is nobody around and the massive impact on my day has been incredible. I have much more energy ,physical and mental and I start the day in a really clear and focused way .
The beauty of stepping outside of your comfort zone is once you step outside you never go back. When you do something outside your comfort zone the next time you do it it’s a whole lot easier and the time after that and the time after that and the time after that it becomes easier and easier and easier stepping outside our comfort zone is the way that we grow and change and develop as a human being or as a business owner.
I think back to the very first time when I stood on a stage and gave a presentation at the start of our property journey ,it was terrifying .It was even more terrifying to know that the event was being recorded and it was also being broadcast not only to the 70 people in the room but out on the Internet to goodness knows how many thousands of people. I shall never forget that day or the support of colleagues and friends. Speaking on stage now it doesn’t hold anywhere near the fears that it did back in 2013.
Think about what you’re going to do this coming week. What is that thing that you’ve put off because it really is stepping outside the area where you’re comfortable. Just do that one thing this week to step outside your comfort zone. You will feel so much better having done it. Once you’ve done it you’ll never go back .
I use this example with my clients sometimes. Imagine it’s a really hot summers day and you are standing by the poolside. You know that the pool is going to be really freezing cold when you jump in but you’re really feeling really hot and sweaty standing by the poolside. Once you take that leap, jump into that pool , initial shock is quite uncomfortable but after a few minutes you beginning to think why didn’t I do this earlier ? I feel so much more refreshed now that’s what stepping outside of your comfort zone is like .
Do something for yourself this week, do that one thing outside your comfort zone cos once you’ve stepped out of it you’ll never go back !
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