
The word Koru symbolises new life, growth, strength and peace which is what we, Koru Connections try and achieve for our clients.

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Koru symbolises new life, growth, strength and peace. The circular shape of the Koru helps to convey the idea of perpetual movement while the inner coil suggests a return to the point of origin.

What we Do

When you set up your business did you have a dream of what your lifestyle would look like ?

Are you now stuck in the weeds? Doing day to day stuff rather than working on your business?

By working with you as an EC Certified Coach we crack the rhythmic acquisition of customers to give you the life style you deserve as a business owner. Let us at Koru Connections help you break free.

Our Latest Guide!
Screw Surviving Tips & Webinar

1. Find your Gap

We understand everything about you and your business – including the numbers that matter, where you are now, where you are now, where you want to be, and why that’s important to you.

2. Fix your Marketing

The System breaks everything down into bite-size bits and you will only ever tackle one or two pieces at once, so you will never be overwhelmed.

3. Grow your Business

We help you build a plan that combines our proven methods, marketing power, and review the results.


The Game Changer

Imagine, being able to generate new sales, new customers and get meetings with new prospects for your business almost at will.

Imagine, sitting down at your computer and emerging just a few minutes later with a complete marketing campaign, a compelling offer, a brilliant piece of sales copy and all of your follow-up emails written and ready to go.

Better still, imagine, never feeling the stress of having to meet payroll or the next VAT bill ever again…

With The Game Changer – you can do all this and more!

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The Facebook Ad Accelerator

EVERYTHING You Need To Plan, Craft, Run and Optimise Profitable Facebook Ads For Your Business To Generate A Steady Flow Of Leads, Enquiries And Sales.

How to Run Super-Profitable Facebook Ads For Your Business In Just 8-Weeks. This drip-fed, online course walks you through the same process we follow to spend millions of pounds on Facebook Ads profitably including:

  • Sure-Fire Success Strategies
  • Sniper-Scope Targeting Methods
  • Our Bullet Proof Facebook Ad Template
  • Advanced Strategies (for the pros)
  • And more…
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38-Minute TikTok Ad Formula:

How To Start Instantly Flooding Your Business With 10-20 High Quality Customers Each Week From TikTok…
…Without Doing Any Silly Dances or Lip Synching!

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Facebook Accelerator

The Entrepreneurs Marketing System

Built on over a decade of experience working with thousands of entrepreneurs, the EMS System gives you the proven step-by-step SYSTEM for business growth.

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Entrepreneurs Circle Coach

Coaching Programme

Entrepreneurs Circle’s coaching programme is like having a ‘personal trainer’ for your business. They’ll get to know you, prescribe the right ‘exercises’ and keep you accountable, hold your feet to the fire and help you crack the rhythmic acquisition of customers.

If you’re an ambitious business owner looking for personal 1:1 support – the EC Coaching Programme is for you.

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The world’s leading review management platform that lets your clients collect more reviews, get fewer negative reviews, link them to their website and more!

Benefit from the Entrepreneurs Circle being a Grade.us agency partner, we have access to exclusive pricing and pass this on to you.

  • Get more reviews.
  • Get better reviews.
  • And do it all on autopilot!
Find Out More

How We Do it

We typically work with SMEs and help them put in place the right marketing and sales processes so they consistently and predictably get and keep the right level of customers to drive the profitability that the business owner needs so that their drawings go up to the level they want.

We at Koru Connections have experience with sole traders and SMEs across many sectors but what they all have in common is that they are will have a meeting or substantive conversation before their ideal customer gives them money.

1. Find your Gap

We understand everything about you and your business – including the numbers that matter, where you are now, where you are now, where you want to be, and why that’s important to you.

The system gets you back in touch with your goal, the reasons why you set your business up in the first place and it keeps your goal front and centre so it cant get hidden , forgotten or compromised.

2. Foundation Blocks

Putting in place the basic marketing systems to equip you for success, 11 key blocks.

3. Fix your Marketing

The System breaks everything down into bite-size bits and you will only ever tackle one or two pieces at once, so you will never be overwhelmed.

4. Know the Score

If you don’t know the score you can't tell the winners from losers so together we will start by understanding how many leads are expected from each marketing pillar, per week or month ( as appropriate ) , and then tracking what actually happens.

5. Measurables

Together we will construct a single page Weekly Sales and Marketing Scorecard that is bespoke for your business with all the right elements on it. The visibility and focus this brings is game changing for almost every business.


Need guidance or support?

To discover how we can help your business. Get in touch!

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