Hello and welcome to this week’s edition of observations from the beach. My first observation this week is I think I must be turning into a grumpy old man. I hear some of you saying,” turning into ?”. More and more things tend to wind me up these days. When I look at what is happening it is usually a value that has been triggered.
This week lets look at LinkedIn. LinkedIn is one of the key foundation blocks that we put in place as part of your basic marketing system. Now I am passionate about LinkedIn because I was one of the very first users of LinkedIn. It was back in the day when what IT professionals would put their cvs on LinkedIn in the hope that recruitment agencies would find us because, by putting your cv on LinkedIn, it was saying you were looking for another job. For some reason we always thought that our managers would never see that would never see our cv’s on LinkedIn so they wouldn’t know we were looking for another job. Not quite sure how that worked. It then grew into the recruitment agencies realising they didn’t have to build their own massive databases anymore we were all available on LinkedIn.
Recruitment agencies started really using LinkedIn to find and headhunt people It’s since developed into the beast that it is today where millions of people are doing business through making the right connections. That is the key, the right connections. What really annoys me is the trainers and LinkedIn gurus out there that say yeah you need to have 20,000 Connections. Why? How can you possibly do business with that number of people? I believe passionately LinkedIn is like a networking meeting. Isn’t it better to be making Connections with maybe just 100 Connections and doing business with 50 ? Large numbers of connections is just a vanity number, working the connections into good contacts is the key.
There are so many misconceptions about LinkedIn and people selling courses that dont convert into sales for you.
I want to help dispel the myths so follow the link down below to my gift to you of access to LinkedIn Masterclass that Entrepreneurs Circle ran last summer. There’s 10 video sessions that break everything down from your profile to using Sales Navigator.
Click here to access https://bit.ly/3oTVYZJ
Have a look at this programme and if you got any questions, anything you’re not clear of, please give me a call because LinkedIn is one of the key marketing foundation blocks that is part of your basic marketing system. It’s not always relevant for all businesses, if you’re not sure whether it’s relevant for you or business or not just give me a call I’m happy to help enjoy.
You will also find lots more useful stuff to help you grow your business on the link !
Click here to access https://bit.ly/3oTVYZJ