As a business coach and can help lots of different types of businesses with multiple types of challenges.
The businesses that I enjoy working with the most are business that want to make a difference in the world and work to their purpose. Why is this ?
When you have a clearly defined purpose life gets easier. The resources you attract, the opportunities that come your way and the people who support you
Not all know their purpose when they start out but we have tools to help you discover your purpose and introduce you into world wide communities where you can connect with like minded people.
When Walt Disney started out he didn’t have a purpose. He then discovered his purpose was to put a smile on every child’s face. This led him to understand he didn’t make movies to make money, he made money to make movies. How powerful us that ?
Is your business a purpose driven business?
Who do you know who is struggling to make their business work, making hard work of it?
A coffee , virtual or real meet up might be all it takes to set them on the right path.
Find your purpose here