I have a great interest in nature, the animals on this planet we share our space with.
Did you know that there are 17 United Nations goals which you can relate and connect to your purpose. If you want to find out more about the UN World Goals and what they are, checkout this link
When you’ve done that if you want to find out what your purpose really is checkout this link
Its free !
Why is this important?
Imagine living your life, and running your business in line with your purpose? Doesn’t that make it even more exciting to get out of bed in the morning.
My purpose is number 8 on the list, it’s about life on land. It’s about protecting our forests, animals and biodiversity. Now I know I’m like so many people that I pay lip service to this, but its time to change how I live. I try and do my bit by making sure the right things go in the right recycling bins each week but do I really make an impact? I thought I did. Can imagine my horror when I was watching a television programme recently, the fact I hadn’t watched it when it was first broadcast proves to me I’m not living my life to my purpose. The tv program is called The War On Plastic.
In this I discover that our efforts of putting the right things in the right recycling bins is undone by the recycling companies as it ends up on cargo ships which travel to the other side of the world, to countries like Malaysia and Vietnam where all the recycling stuff just gets dumped, it doesn’t get processed at all . This is sad to learn this because when Sally and I were out there 18 months or so ago we saw in some countries a lot of waste on the roadsides and we just thought that, no we assumed that ,these countries weren’t doing the right thing for recycling. It wasn’t their rubbish at all it was our rubbish that we shipped halfway around the world and dumped it there. How can that be right ?
I guess it’s about making little changes so my challenge to you this week is what are you going to do to help save this precious planet. It’s very clear that we’re just drowning in a sea of rubbish our oceans and on the lands .This is happening to the beautiful countries that we will soon be going visit on holiday .No one person or organisation can do it on their own but if everybody tries to do just a little bit maybe just maybe we can protect this very fragile planet just that little bit more.
I am going to assess why I’m not living my life more in line with my purpose and then put a plan in place to change.
What changes will you make?